
Adsense: Why Bloggers Don’t Get It

In doing the research for my series of Adsense articles, two common ideas kept getting repeated:

  • My Adsense ads are horrible, they only pay out (insert low dollar figure here)
  • My Adsense CTR is horrible, I only get a (insert extremely low CTR here)
To be fair these comments weren’t coming just from bloggers, but bloggers did make up an overwhelmingly large percentage. I think this stems from a misconception on the part of the bloggers that they are entitled to high payout and CTR. I’d like to spend a little time to share my feelings on this subject. In the early days a blog may just have been an online diary or journal, but like the days of the Nehru jackets, they are gone. What a blog is now is Chronologically Structured Content Management System, as opposed to the classic web hierarchical structured implementation. Let’s be clear, you can still use a blog as your online diary or journal, but nowdays it’s just as likely to be used as a commercial blog. Yes, I did just say commercial blog, and no the earth didn’t open under my feet and swallow me whole for saying it. Let’s take some time to look at a your typical blog.
You may post about commercial related subjects like your job, what you like to buy, or even your hobbies. However these posts are all about your life, they are no more commercially viable or attractive than say Aunt Millie’s Holiday Newsletter. Yes we all have an Aunt Millie in our family, every year she sends out a finely crafted newsletter in a coordinating envelope she ordered from telling us all about her family. We learn how hard her husband works, how many activities her kids are in and how good they are at them. We also read the details of how her scrapbooking business hasn’t taken off yet, but she promises to spend more time on it right after New Years. So if you were a business owner would you want to advertise anywhere on Aunt Millie’s Newsletter? Then why would a business want to pay you top dollar to advertise on your blog? What’s that, you say your blog gets (insert a high number here) of readers per day, surely that has to be worth something? Well did you know Aunt Millie sends out over 800 copies of her holiday newsletter to 17 countries, on 4 continents? Now before you get all fired up about it, understand that I don’t have a problem with you having a personal blog or sharing it with the public. However your expectation that it has value outside of your family/friends/community, is a serious misconception.
So what exactly is a commercially viable blog? Don’t think of it as publishing a blog, think of it as publishing an online magazine. You need to start out with good content or articles about a small area or niche topic. You will need lots of content, and unless you are well known, don’t expect much to happen until you’ve written at least 100 and more likely over 200 articles. Yes you will have to devote some time and effort to publicizing and marketing it as well. Once you’ve got a significant focused reader base, that’s the time to slowly ad in the advertising. Now here’s the one that causes lots of people to freak out. BE PREPARED TO GIVE UP SOME PRIME SCREEN REAL ESTATE, IN THE CENTER, ABOVE THE FOLD, TO ADVERTISING. If you’ve worked with print media at all you will know the middle of the right hand page is the most desirable spot inside of a magazine (excluding the cover pages). I’ve sat through meetings where people have said ” … you know we need more right hand pages …”. If you want people to click on your ads, you will need put them where they can see them, above the fold in the center of the screen, in a prominent location. Yes I can almost here the keys typing for the flame comments and emails now. Before you hit that send button though, ask yourself this, are you building a space sough after by advertisers, or are you working on Aunt Millie’s Newsletter? No I don’t think your pages should be filled with ads, in fact quite the opposite, there should always be more content than advertising, ALWAYS!
Next thing, lose the fancy graphics and eye-candy from your template. Yes I know you may have paid for a fancy template, maybe you had your niece who’s a graphic artist design something for you, or you really like the way that spinning flaming platypus looks in your page header. Here’s the thing, it’s detracting from your content. Graphics should be simple, understated, and support the content, not overpower or compete with it. Now before some art student wearing a beret, corduroy jacket with elbow patches, and smoking a pipe or French cigarette, writes and calls me a Philistine, stop and think. Are you designing a commercially attractive and viable space, or are you designing an intricate macrame border for Aunt Millie’s Newsletter? Remember keep it simple and to the point.
Yes I know you feel like I just ripped off the band-aid, and now it hurts. Sorry but someone had to do it. I know some of you are still out there reading saying ‘but can’t I still have this … do we have to get rid of this … I really like that …’. Well I’m not your second grade teacher who’s going to tell you everything’s all right, that you don’t have to change a thing, and put a scooby-doo sticker on your shirt to make you feel better. If you want a blog that makes you more money than you spend at Starbucks every Tuesday, you will need to get serious about what you’re doing.
If none of this sounds incredibly fun, and really sounds pretty close to actual work, here’s the way I see it, getting an Adsense check for $5 is fun, getting an Adsense check for $500 or $5000 is work.
I don’t actually have an Aunt Millie, she’s a fictional character. But like you, I do have relatives who send out holiday newsletters.
Yes I know the minimum Adsense payment is $100, so you never could get a $5 check, but I was just making a point, mmkay?

Adsense Tools

I was hoping to find more adsense tools to review and recommend, however I never received anything so we’ll go with what I was able to find.

Adsense Script Tools

These are the tiny little programs you install on your server (blech!) or locally on your machine that help you analyze your adsense clicks, CTR and earnings. Some of them are easy, some of them are difficult, and some of them help you make pretty graphs. To be honest none of them are worth recommending. You could do just as good a job by setting up your channels properly and dumping a CSV file into excel. If someone has a specific one or wants to send me a review copy of thier software, I will look at it. DO NOT send me anything that has to be installed on a server. I run multiple websites on multiple hosting companies, so I don’t need something that requires more maintenance thank you very much.

Adsense Preview Tools

 comes via Digital Point. You put in a URL and it lets you preview what ads are most likely to appear on a URL. Pretty handy IMHO.

Adsense Tracking

While not set up to be an Adsense tracking tool per se, the from Add Free Stats is actually pretty good. You put a small graphic tracking bug on the bottom of each of your pages and it gives you standard logging reports. You can also activate adsense tracking to find out what ads are being clicked on what pages. Combine this with an excel spreadsheet and channels and you are good to go. You can upgrade to a paid version and get an invisible tracking bug. TIP: Lock down your stats under a password, I’m fascinated how many people leave that open.

Adsense in Action

Probably one of the best things you can do to increase your adsense earnings is to go and look how other people are doing things. The  are one place. While these are Google approved you really don’t have an idea how successful they are. So you’d be much better off finding someone you know is in the UPS Club. Jason Calacanis who runs  is on a quest to make 1 Million dollars a year from Adsense. While I do give Jason a hard time sometimes, I do actually admire what he’s built, and think there are some very valuable lessons to be learned from looking at the websites owns. Darren Rowse of  also has two sites I really like the  and . Don’t be a wanker and copy exactly what they’ve done, it’s bad form. Instead look at them, learn from them, and use it as inspiration.

How to Create Google Adsense Account

Today Google Adsense is the most popular online money maker for website and blog owner. But many blog owners do not know how to create Adsense account. Actually create an Adsense account is very easy, you just require a website or blog with language content that supported by Google Adsense and the website has indexed by Google (suggestion: the website contain minimal 10 pages to get Adsense accepted).
Some important aspects to success creating Google Adsense account you must have a website with self hosting (now Google not accept free domain such as BlogSpot, multiply, and other free domain) and your website not contain content that violates Adsense content guidelines such as Pornography content, hacking or cracking, Gambling, Illicit drugs and other.
Are you ready to create Google Adsense Account? Please the following steps to create an account:

  1. Open Adsense website at this link: After the Adsense page opened click “Sign up now” button.
    1 create adsense account
  2. On the next page you must completed the Adsense registration form.  There three form sections must be completed on this page, here:Website information; enter you website URL, website language (Now Adsense support 32 language)
    2 create adsense account
    Contact Information; Select your account type and Enter the valid information on the form (payee name, address, phone). This data be used to received when you received your payment.
    3 create adsense account
    Policies; you must agree all Adsense policy. Check all option on this section.
    4 create adsense account
    After all data complete click “Submit Information” button
  3. After submit the form Google will review your website and your registration. Usually it needs 1 to 5 days to get your Adsense registration approved or rejected.  Google will send an email to your inbox if your Adsense approved or rejected.


Tips on Succeeding With AdSense

Here are some tips for achieving success with Google AdSense.
1.  Create a website with your (  Don't try to use a free web host because your site will likely have banners and pop-ups and get rejected because it looks unprofessional. Not to mention, a free web host will give you a website address like this:
instead of...
Start by registering your own domain and then select a web host.
2. If you don't know web programming or have no desire to learn it, get a beginner's design editor like Dreamweaver (what I use) or CoffeeCup.  You can publish your content directly to the web from the software.
Keep in mind you can't use the software alone.  You must have a web host that will allow you to publish your site to the Internet.
3.  If the main goal of your site is to make money with AdSense, be sure to choose a topic that you know a lot about so you can write lots and lots of content.
4.  Get traffic. Once your site is up and running you'll need to learn how to get your site listed in the major search engines. 
Getting into Google is completely free and can bring in hundreds or even thousands of visitors per day.  All you have to do is submit your site to them and wait patiently while Google adds it to the index.  It can take a few months.  Patience is key with Google.  Then do the same with Yahoo, MSN, etc.
And while you're waiting it's important you build up as much unique content around your theme as possible. Google loves large sites with useful content centered around a specific theme.
Don't create a hodgepodge site with topics on everything under the sun. Stay focused and make sure your site has an obvious theme.

How to Join AdSense

Once you have 10-15 pages on your site, go to to apply.
When you are accepted, simply copy and paste the provided HTML code into any page that you'd like to show the ads. If you've done a good job of defining the content on your web pages, the ads that show should be relevant to the content of your page...increasing the chances of click-thrus by your visitors.
You can either display the ads vertically along side the page like Google does or in a banner-like formation horizontally across your pages.  The placement is up to you.  You can even customize the colors to match your site's theme.

Successful SBI Websites

Be sure to also take a peek at all the successful SBI websites created by mostly beginners who have never created a site before.  Every site listed on this page is in the top 3% in terms of amount of traffic received on the web - thanks to the SBI search engine help.

Brainstorming Tool

Site Build It also comes with a powerful brainstorming tool.  So for all of you sitting there wondering about a topic, this tool literally scours the net and helps you decide on the best topic by showing demand and supply (i.e. number of sites on X topic and roughly how feasible it will be to bring in traffic for that particular subject).  It is amazing.
The creator of Site Build It even built a micro site that describes how to maximize your AdSense earnings.  And since Site Build It's main goal is to show you how to build income through's almost as if AdSense was designed specifically for a web host like SBI.
I highly recommend using SBI -- especially if you plan on building a site specifically to earn money from AdSense.  It is the kind of host that stands for everything AdSense is about -- rewarding website owners for building an abundance of useful content.
Even though the two companies are not related, it really is the perfect marriage between a great concept like AdSense and a web host that is dedicated to showing you how to make money by simply providing information.

Video Guides

What's even better is that you will receive a Video Action Guide to walk you through how to setup and promote your site. 

Remember, without traffic, you won't make any money with AdSense.  That's why having a host like SBI is so important.  Keep in mind, a regular DIY host doesNOT help you with search engine rankings and traffic. They just give you the space and a "good luck!"

Super Easy Web Page Builder

Creating your pages is as simple as entering text into form fields and using the user-friendly editor to add text, create links, add pictures and more.  No software is needed to install or download.   You simply select a template you want to use and your site is built in seconds...literally.
I took a screenshot of the SBI! interface...

Use Site Build It! - A Web Host Made for AdSense

This is a revolutionary web host like no other. I use it for my site,, and after only 11 months the site was earning over $700 per month for AdSense alone. 
Two years after launch, the total monthly earnings shot up to $2,000 to $2,500.
Today, the site continues to earn money from AdSense yet I have no products to sell. I'm simply offering information on a topic I know a lot about and SBI showed me how to rank high in the search engines for various keyword phrases.  Over 90% of traffic comes from the free search engines.
The reason SBI! is different from the other do-it-yourself hosts is that first it provides all the web page building and marketing help all in one place.  Your domain registration, web hosting and marketing help come with the price..

The Do It Yourself Method

I've actually used both methods for building my site and there are advantages and disadvantages to both.
If you use the DIY method, you will have to go and register a domain name( and then sign up for a web host and build your pages.  You can either learn HTML or buy some kind of web editor like Microsoft FrontPage to build your pages.  That's the method I used to build this site.
Averaging between $7 and $15 per month, the DIY method is usually the most cost friendly of the two but you are mostly on your own in terms of learning how to create your web pages and adding the AdSense code to your site. 
Web hosts are generally there to house your site.  They don't specialize in helping you market and optimize your site for the search engines to help you get traffic.  So don't expect a lot from them in terms of helping you market your site and making money with Google AdSense.
This is not necessarily a bad thing.  I had to learn how to build this site on my own and it wasn't very difficult. 
I now manage all of my sites with Dreamweaver.

Creating Your Website for AdSense

Before you even begin your site, make sure you've come up with a topic that you feel you know plenty about.  That way it will be easiest to write a lot of content. 
The more content you have, the better chance you have getting accepted into the program.  Also, the more content, the greater the earning potential.  AdSense is nothing but a numbers game.  If you want to make a lot of money, prepare to write a lot of content.
Now let's talk about building your website.  There are two ways you can approach this:
1) Do it Yourself (DIY) from scratch
2) Use Site Build It! (SBI!)

Google AdSense Record Earnings - $5,974

My Google AdSense Earnings

I have been receiving monthly checks from Google since 2003, and I've read numerous success stories of websites earning 5 digit incomes per month with AdSense. 
Now, I will admit, a 5-digit commission in a single month is probably not the norm for most participants. 
I promote AdSense on three of my websites and my monthly checks are usually around the $6,000 mark.
My sites have been around for a long time and I have a great deal of traffic so that's a big reason why I earn so much. I promote my sites on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc. Making a lot of money with AdSense is all about numbers. The more traffic you have, the greater the earning potential.
My checks weren't always this large.  I think my first month's earnings in 2003 totaled less than $20. However, as my traffic increased, so did my checks.

How Much Can You Earn With AdSense?

Google does not disclose exactly how much you'll earn per ad that is clicked.
The commission you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying Google for the particular ad. You will earn a share of that amount.  I've heard of earnings anywhere from 2 cents to $15 per click.
So it is logical to believe that keyword phrases like debt free, employment, make money, mp3, sex, etc. will earn you more per click since these are highly competitive keywords that are searched for quite a bit on the web. 
Advertisers generally pay more for popular terms because they are searched for more.
Even though Google will not reveal how much you are earning for each ad that is clicked from your site, you can still login to your account at any time and see the total amount of revenue you've generated that day, week, month, year, etc.
For example, if you see that you've made $12.60 today from 9 clicks then you can calculate that your average click-thru commission was $1.40 per click.  That's as detailed as their stats will get.  Also remember, that's only an average.  You won't know how much each specific ad brought in.
The amount you'll earn also depends largely on the amount of targeted traffic you receive to your own site, how well the ads match your audience's interests, the placement of the ads on your pages, and of course the amount you receive per click.
Ideally, you should create a site on a topic you know a lot about.  That way you'll have a much easier time creating a generous amount of content on that subject. 

How to Make Money With Google AdSense

Don't like to read a lot of text? Watch my 4-minute video on how AdSense works.

What is AdSense? earns most of its revenue by allowing other website owners to advertise on their search result pages. All this is managed through a program they call AdWords.
Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by displaying these same text ads on your site.  In other words, you're helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn.
This program is called AdSense.
Every website owner should at least consider the program.  Even if your site is just for information purposes, you can still participate and make decent money with AdSense -- or at least enough to fund your website.
So if you are one of those people that doesn't like the idea of paying for a site, this is an excellent way to earn your money back and then some.

Untold Facts About AdSense

you need to know in order to succeed with the program!
Yes, the money can be great, but if you don't learn how to build a site that attracts targeted traffic then you won't make much from AdSense.
Don't pay a cent for these "Get Rich Quick" books on AdSense. Many of them are all hype. Learn all you need to know for free. 

Right click and "Save As" to download this book.

Make Money With Google AdSense

[Note: Today, I earn much more than the amount on that check. The reason I do not have a more recent check to display is Google pays me by direct deposit now.]
Anyone who owns or is thinking about creating a website would be crazy to ignore this.
I am happy to say that making money with your site, no matter the topic, has become easier than it's ever been before - and it's 100% legitimate.
If AdSense had been available in 2000, I would have NEVER shut down my soap opera fan site that received 200 hits per day. I would have been able to earn money from that traffic and probably turned a small profit.


Where to buy a cheap traffic and convert it to adsense clicks:

You can find it here: LOGITRAFFIC
• Its safer because they "cloak" all the traffic they send to you and
send it at a much slower rate to avoid detection.
• From their Site:
◦ High Quality Unique Traffic - Guaranteed!
▪ We will not send you any traffic thats not high quality from fake outside
sources. Nor will we send you any repeated traffic from the same IP
address. We guarantee it!
◦ Traffic from Real People - That are interested with your Website Content.
▪ The traffic you get from LogiTRAFFIC is from real-time users, and not from
fake bot generated traffic. The user will actually see your website and
generally browse through it.
◦ Take Control - Specify the Amount and Type of Visitors you want to Receive
▪ With our advanced filter technology, you can choose geographical visitors
which will only deliver traffic to the specify. In addition to that,
you may also specify a portion of your total visitors to be delivered on a
daily basis rather than being delivered all at once.
◦ Choice of Standard or Targeted Traffic - At a Great Value
▪ You can choose from standard or targeted traffic to increase your
exposure. Targeted traffic will be users that actually found your website
based on their interest. We guarantee that they will be interested in your
◦ Expand your Business / Website - Boost your Content Exposure
▪ Why spend hours and hours trying to get quality traffic from search
engines and advertisements when we can do it for you? By using
LogiTRAFFIC, you won't have to do the work, and you can sit back and
watch your visitor count hit new peaks.
Create an account at LOGITRAFFIC
Then go to tab My ads:
• In url field right the URL for your blog at
• Click purchase new
In the site name/title field write "Please click Google Ads and
Earn Money"
• Select "Searches" as the type of visitors (0.04/click/visit)
• After Paying go to my ads and click the ad you just created.
• Click the edit/go button and check if its enabled, if not enable
• There are a few other parameters too which you can
check out like: Max Visit/day and Timer.
• Check your adsense stats 30-60 minutes later and see $$$$
#3 Precautions to avoid ban:
1- Every 2 days change your article blog and make another one
and put the new URL in logitraffic campaign.
2- Try not to over do it, in the beginning limit you income to $5-
10/day, and double it every week till you reach $50/day. That should
be your limit. I never go above $30/day/account. You can set daily
visits to 50/day and you will earn more than $30 as your keywords
price. That mean you will make $2 turn to $30.

How To Make money with adsense without website.

• Go to this is blogging site working with
adsense sharing revenue. Mean you will have 50% impressions
and the site will got another 50%.
Why we choose this site because they have a lot of traffic and it is
adsense partner that mean google will not think that you are using
any black method.
Also if your blog got high CTR no problem because all CTR in this
site is high because it is adsense sharing revenue site and you only
got 50% impressions.
• Make a register and put your adsense ID and the registration is
very easy like any registration.
• Go to and get article and post it as it a new blog or if
you can write unique article it will be better.
• Its better to get these articles partially re-written for uniqueness.
• Make sure that the articles you choose are around High Paying
Keywords like mesothelioma, online degree
Accounting, mortgages, debt consolidation etc. You can get more
ideas of high paying keywords at
• Go to your adsense account and make a new URL channel and
add to know how much you earn from this site.